18TH AUGUST 2021

Invest in your Business
RSM has partnered with Re-Leased to bring you and your business some key talks from experts in the property industry.
They will be providing some insights to grow your business and arm you with the knowledge to handle the growth.

Cloud software is the future, are you ready?
The property sector has embraced technology. Legacy on-premise and desktop solutions are making way for a new era of property management which leverages the cloud to deliver intelligence, automation and access to timely and quality data. Learn how you can accelerate growth by adopting software as a service (SaaS) solutions in your business.

Get insights into tax, legal matters & digital process
RSM, Holding Redlich & LeftField Communications are leading businesses in their respective fields. The complimentary sessions will give you the opportunity to hear tangible takeaways for your business from a variety of perspectives.

Pick & Choose your agenda
We know you are busy running your business. That’s why the RSM Property Summit allows you to opt in to only the most relevant talks for your business. Each talk is less that one hour so join us for a session or the half day, its up to you. Sign up below to reserve your place today.

Adam Crowley
Director of Business Advisory Sydney at RSM Australia
Adam is a Director of the Business Advisory division in Sydney and the National Leader of Property and Construction. Adam has over 15 years’ experience in accounting, taxation and business advisory, specialising in all areas of the property and construction industries.

Laurel Grey
National Manager of Digital Advisory at RSM Australia
As a Senior Digital Analyst and resident cloud expert at RSM in Sydney, Laurel Grey has helped over 150 businesses across Australia increase their organisational productivity through automation and digital integration and empowered RSM advisors to transition 4,000 other businesses to the cloud.

Hector Simpson
Strategic CRE Technology Advisor at Re-Leased
Led by a passion for finding cloud-based solutions to age-old problems, Hector educates the property industry about the evolution of technology within the sector. Hector leads Re-Leased's Partner network in the APAC region working with professional services firms to assist them to offer systems advisory advice to their clients.

Vanya Lozzi
Partner - Property Planning & Development at Holding Redlich
Vanya Lozzi is a real estate lawyer with more than 20 years’ experience. Vanya advises development clients in relation to the whole developer lifecycle, including advising and negotiating the acquisition of development sites, managing the due diligence process, advising in relation to the title structure of proposed developments, managing off the plan sales, acting on the finance due diligence, providing legal sign off regarding qualifying presales and managing the settlements of the end product.

Holly Reynolds
Founder & Managing Director at Left Field Communications
Holly is a media and communications specialist, with more than 30 years’ experience as a front line print and television journalist and as advisor to clients in property, development and construction during some of the most significant crises to hit the industry. She has helped businesses of all sizes create resilient reputations – one of the most critical tools for business success.
Structuring for Property Development
Adam Crowley
The success or failure of any good property development all starts with having strong footings and a solid foundation. If the foundation is defective, the construction that follows is undermined, and the costs to rectify are significant. Just as it applies when using concrete and steel, so too does it apply when using pen and paper. Metaphors aside, the key message here for property developers is to have a strong legal structure, and to get it right early!
Property in the Cloud
Laurel Grey and Hector Simpson
Cloud technology has transformed the property sector from both a financial and operational perspective. In this session, Laurel & Hector will discuss the current market, a framework for selecting the right solutions in your business and what benefits you can expect to see from migrating to cloud technology across functions.
Things You Must Know When Selling Off The Plan in NSW
Vanya Lozzi
At the end of 2019, the State Government introduced a range of new legal regimes mandating there would be a plethora of changes that property developers must include in their off the plan contracts and provide to purchasers during the life of their contracts. This presentation will discuss this new regime and highlight the key issues that developer must now know.
Reputation - The Key to Business Recovery
Holly Reynolds
Are you a trusted brand? Property is a fiercely competitive industry, and never more so as we manage the impacts of the pandemic. Customers of all kinds are more focussed on people and brands they can trust than ever before. Join in to hear how you can activate a reputation management plan today and accelerate your business growth.
Register for the RSM Sydney Property Summit
Join us on a journey while we explore 4 topics with 5 experts in their respective fields. Each talk is less than one hour so join us for one session or all of them, it's up to you.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the property summit on the 18th of August.